The Sunday Service Team, led by Susan Pratt, works with the ministers or guest speakers to help create a worshipful experience on Sunday mornings. She also recruits a Worship Assistant for each service.

Greeters welcome you as you come in and can provide hearing assistance devices, if needed. If you are interested in helping with greeting, contact Rosemary Adang.

Ushers pass out order of service and pass around the offering plate. If you are interested in helping usher, please contact Karmen Meier and she will sign you up for the Sundays you are available or send you the Sign-Up Genius link to do so yourself.

Coffee and refreshments after the service are being managed by Julia Cochrane, as part of the Hospitality and Kitchen Team.

You can sign up for any of these activities at Sign-Up Genius Portal.

This page last updated January 26, 2024