Speaker: Rev. Kate Kinney


On this Mother’s Day, Kate Kinney joins Linda to reflect upon what is passed down to us, and what we carry and what we leave behind.

Click here to view the service at 10am.

John Muir, We Thank You

During this Earth Day season we look at one of America’s great thinkers, environmental prophets, and early advocates for our national park system.  This Sunday we will hold up Muir, look at his accomplishments, and try and frame a response to today’s environmental challenges.

Click … read more.

Suffering, the Last Word?

Each person, each community deals with suffering.  How can we not?  And we can try and find a scapegoat for the suffering that hits us, but that may be an escape from facing our own hurt.  We will listen to stories from various religious traditions and how each … read more.

Living with a Generous Heart

How do each of us make decisions about how we share our resources?  What are the core values that motivate us to be just and faithful servants to this earth, this country, and this Quimper Unitarian Universalist Fellowship? And when we get our credit card … read more.

On Forgiveness

Forgiveness is not an action but a process.  How as a society, a church, and as individuals do we forgive in a world that is complex and divided?

Click here to watch the service.
Click here to read the … read more.