Letters to the QUUF Board of Trustees

Written by QUUF members to the Board for sharing with the congregation

In February of 2022, your Board Communications Subcommittee, in response to congregational requests for an opportunity for open and respectful sharing of ideas, established a Letters to the Board page.

At the May 15, 2023 board meeting, the board agreed to terminate publication of Letters to the Board. Communication to the Board will still be open and encouraged through email to the individual Board members or the entire Board through the email address boardletters@quuf.org.

To read letters that have been published: You will need the QUUF password. QUUF members (those who have completed a Newcomer Orientation, been approved by the board, and signed the membership book) can request this password from our administrator.

Click Letters to the Board and enter the password to open the QUUF web page containing all letters published to date. This link is also on the Board of Trustees page, the Restricted Access Files pages, and is a button on the front page of the QUUF website. This list (a Google spreadsheet) can be sorted by date and name of author by clicking the cells in the header row above the list columns for selectable options. Please note that you do not need a Google account to access this site. You just need to enter the QUUF password.

To submit letters for publication: Please follow the guidelines below.

  1. If you request, the Communications Subcommittee will publish your letter after review. Letters not noted for publication will be read by the subcommittee and board.
  2. Letters will be published as we receive and process them.
  3. Letters must be from QUUF members and include the writer’s name, which will be published; and telephone contact information for use by the committee if there are questions or concerns.
  4. Letters will be reviewed for adherence to our Covenant of Right Relations.

If there are concerns, writers will be given the opportunity to edit their letters, and resubmit. The Board Communications Subcommittee will make these decisions. In the absence of agreement, the whole board will review a letter. The subcommittee reserves the right to comment on, or withhold publication based on, factual inaccuracies.


  1. Tell us that you want your letter published.
  2. Present one topic per letter.
  3. Provide a succinct subject line that describes your topic.
  4. Limit yourself to one letter per topic per month.
  5. Limit your letters to 500 words; you may be asked to edit overly long letters to that number of words.

Send your letter to boardletters@quuf.orgFrom this address they will be forwarded to the subcommittee and the entire board.

Thank you from your Board of Trustees Communications Subcommittee.

“Let us use compassion, curiosity, reverence and respect while seeking our truths.” (QUUF Covenant, 1997)

Updated June 3, 2023