Please read the following QUUF EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDURE that is also available as a handout on the table in the Foyer.


  • Fires, fire alarms, and tsunami alerts all require prompt evacuation.
  • Drills will prepare us to leave our buildings quickly and safely.

Use the following directions to prepare yourself for emergency evacuation and the drill planned for April 16.

When a fire alarms sounds, or other notice is given to evacuate the buildings, everyone, including families with RE kids, must immediately leave and go to the designated meeting place on the sidewalk at the corner of San Juan Avenue and 22nd Street.  

Please follow all instructions from persons directing us on how to exit!

RE teachers will bring children to their families out on the street.  
How you get there depends on:
1. Where you are in the building (see also sanctuary map below),
2. The characteristics of nearby exits, and
3. The location and types of the hazards you face, if known.

Do not stop to gather your belongings or to find friends or family.  

Not overloading any one exit can help you evacuate safely.  Leave by the closest door unless it is very crowded or you know it is hazardous.

If you have health problems or limited mobility, others will help you. If you are visibly disabled, expect help. Otherwise, ask someone near you to help. Say, “I may have problems getting out. Can you help me?” Go to the disabled parking area by the bicycle shed in the parking lot. From there you may be helped across the rest of the parking lot.

If you are asked to help, please do. Proceed calmly to the exit, providing your support and assistance.

Exit Strategy for Sanctuary Map

Updated April 14, 2023