Speaker: Rev. Bruce Bode

In Quest of ‘Living Religion’

What is religion and how may one speak of it? In this service, a retired Unitarian Universalist minister will take a look at the current attempt in Unitarian Universalist circles to give written expression to its approach to religion. Suggested preparation for sermon: Read the … read more.

Annual Favorite Poem Service

Genuine sharing is vital to a healthy community, and the “Favorite Poem Service” celebrates sharing in deep and personal ways. This annual summer ritual is intimate, layered, and always surprising, structured on a format as simple as it is powerful: A person … read more.

The American Creed & Liberal Religion

In this time of turmoil as our nation struggles to determine its “soul,” this sermon by our Minister Emeritus, Rev. Bruce Bode, will explore the overlap of the core principles, values, and ideals of our American society and liberal religion.

Click here at 10 am Sunday to go to our YouTube channel or anytime thereafter.

The Ache of Memory

The title of this Memorial Day message is taken from a Robert Frost poem titled “On the Sale of My Farm” that concludes with the lines:

Only be it understood,
It shall be no trespassing
If I come again some spring
In the grey … read more.