Category: News from our Minister

How We Find Hope

The state of the world: it might just be grief and fear. A few weeks ago, as a part of the time of Joys and Sorrows, I shared the last stanzas of Warsan Shire’s poem “What They Did Yesterday Afternoon”:

later that night
i held … read more.

Keep Trying

At the service this past Sunday, we got to hear the words of poet Andrea Gibson:

I know most people try hard to do good
and find out too late they should have
tried softer.”

Since I first heard the poem a few years ago, I have … read more.

An Update and Some Early Thoughts


I am looking forward to leading worship with you this coming Sunday, and to the picnic after!  I have gotten the sense that this fellowship appreciates a good time, so I hope to see many of you there.

Before I offer my reflections for this blog, … read more.

Change is in Our Future

Someone quipped “The only people who like change are wet babies!” A childless young adult at the time, I didn’t know that not all babies like to have their diapers changed no matter how soggy or stinky they are.

And yet, the only thing that we … read more.

Brave World


On August 1, I took care in getting ready for my first official day of work at QUUF. I selected a favorite dress, grabbed my lightweight black cardigan (will it be chilly?), and started looking at my earrings for just the right pair.

The choice was … read more.

Letter to the Congregation

Dear friends,

It was a pleasure to meet so many of you at Victoria’s ordination and I am looking forward to joining you all on August 1!

Let me introduce myself a little more.  I am a lifelong Unitarian Universalist, and my UU roots go back … read more.

To “Grow Old Gracefully”

Guest Post by Nan Toby Tyrrell

I wonder what that phrase really means; for me it has many kinds of interpretations.

First, I acknowledge that I was born on August 2,1941 and my mother waited for the doctor many hours. I only weighed 5 pounds and 19 … read more.

Living with a Generous Heart

I have for many years found ways to get out of doing a sermon on raising money, tithing, stewardship, or pledging. I always squirmed a way out of it, but no one ever seemed to notice. A fellow staff member, the head of the … read more.

Re-Imagining QUUF

by Larry Morrell, QUUF Board President

QUUF Covenant:  “We are travelers. We meet for a moment in this sacred place to love, to share, to serve. Let us use compassion, curiosity, reverence, and respect while seeking our truths. In this way, we will support a just … read more.