Child Dedication:
Child Dedication

Twice a year, typically in November and May, we offer an opportunity for families to participate in a Child Dedication. At QUUF, this is an opportunity for children up to age 8 to receive the blessing of the minister and congregation, and for us to pledge support in the rearing of the children.

Chalice Journey: 3rd and 4th grades
Chalice Journey

Every other year, 3rd and 4th graders are invited to participate in this special program. It is an opportunity for these children to meet Sunday evenings, apart from the activity of Sunday mornings, to explore deeper what it means to be a Unitarian Universalist. The destination of this Journey is to become “an older and wiser UU.” It generally runs in the spring from January to March.

Coming of Age: 7th-8th grades
Coming of Age

Every two years we offer Middle School Youth this Coming of Age Program. Each youth is matched with a mentor who walks alongside throughout the program. In May, the youth are presented to the congregation in a Coming of Age Service. It typically runs from October through May.

Bridging Ceremony: Graduating Seniors

When our high school youth are graduating from high school, we honor them with a Bridging Ceremony. It is an acknowledgement of their continued place in the congregation as they move into adulthood.


Some of these are held within RE classes, some within the wider congregations on Sunday morning, and some community events!

  • Water Service
  • Harvest Party
  • Holiday Party
  • Winter Solstice
  • Christmas Eve
  • Passover
  • Blessing of the Animals
  • Easter
  • Earth Day
  • Flower Communion
  • Summer Solstice